Friday, February 18, 2011

To Three -L-o-v-e-l-y- Girls I Met on Chatroulette

Ooh a little rhyme there!

I was worried from what you said. I thought, and I realized that I wasn't acting any different than the old me would.

It raises some interesting questions.

I'm sorry for my behavior. Still, it was a situation where it was best I not be personal.

I am seeing that these behaviors are risky... and clearly the idea of using Robert's (Sage) titles against a new /Construct/ would only help such a thing.

Thank you. You have been a great help to me.

You have given me a sword with which to help my wound.

But this sword's edge is (hopefully) dull. That way I will... that way is best. I don't want to cause pain. I want to help get rid of it.


  1. There's a reason the symbolism has died down ya'know.

  2. Is there, now? Well. Removing pain seems like a better goal than causing it, Hime; good luck, and good times.

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