Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thanks for being subtle

My explanation:

I'm unsure of how I feel. I know who you think(/know?) it is.

I've said to myself I do, but then I don't feel so sure. I don't think it's something I want to deal with now.

But maybe I should.


let's hope nothing horrible happens.

"Evil plan", eh? I've always wondered.


I've fairly often wondered.

I know. I know that this cannot end well. I know that I'm hopeless.


two years ago I was hopeless. I realized I was lost...

that can only mean that maybe I'm wrong. Maybe... maybe I can do something.

And if not, then okay. I just hope I don't get anyone mad at me.


  1. Stop worring about if it offends others, if it offends YOU worry about it.

  2. You're right. This stuff isn't nearly as big a deal as it seem(s/ed).
