Friday, January 14, 2011


Exodus 20:16 "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."

The ability to lie means that you cannot trust someone. That is why I do not lie.

Well... is that completely true? I say things that are untrue, but are they lies? No, they are tales... games...

to the Royals, I have lied. Why do I do this?

The Royals and the Litter... what are they to me?

The Royals I have known long. Yet I cannot connect to them. To them I keep myself a secret.

The ones who know me most are among my Litter. And then there is the Outsider, who knows of me. They are my people. I do not lie to them. Because what I say to them matters.


  1. You do not lie but you are cryptic. And not in the decipherable manner.


    You seem coherent enough when you comment on other blogs and you don't seem to like that freakazoid either.

    I am here if you need a hand, you seem a kindred spirit, in terms at least. I'm having to watch over my cats too, though I have a feeling that that is more cryptic stuff from you, word-wise.


  2. Here is where I say what's on my mind. Or at least try to.

  3. I suppose we were similar Ava.

    Warrior: ”Brave, Bold, Stupid in that headstrong way, Fights for the sake of the fight, Fights without fear, Only fights on This Side, Can push /Construct/ back to Other Side for a while, cannot beat it. A stop gap, and if they become an /Agent/ then there's going to be a lot of trouble.”

    Only fights on This Side...

    you can always wonder
