Sunday, January 30, 2011

You're not really doing it

You're just... just doing stuff. Good for you, going back to your roots, but really, it's just gotten boring.

War's over. We won.


I mean seriously...

maybe I'm wrong. I'll see what I can do.

Friday, January 28, 2011


When you care about someone, it can make you feel... inadequate. If they help someone else, what did you mean to them? If someone else helps them, what can you do?

If everyone is good to everyone else... why is it good?

Friday, January 21, 2011

The way has changed.

Matt, Logan, Josh. They didn't know what they were up against.

Prism, Gretel, all the like, picked off by Him.

Now a new generation rises. People like Zeke, Robert, Ava, Zero, Thage.

They aren't the hunted. They are the hunters. Rather than the horror of an unfamiliar situation, people know of him and wish to know more so they know how to deal with him.

This is a problem.

For Him.

What you have done

I'm not like Thage. I'm just not.

You've pulled me into something bigger than what I wanted.

But I'll forgive you, Ava, and hope that you will be willing to forgive me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I should tell you

I'm in love with Kitty. There, I said it.  that I don't know anymore... I never do...

But I'm never sure, am I? I'm hopeless....

but in the positive way

but let's try and see a few negative things here

EDIT: Do I even know what love is? I went a year without believing I had it, yes, but maybe I did... maybe I loved them all... EDIT: But the point is, that if I did, then was it really love?

I don't know, I really don't.

Facebook's Magic Fortune Cookie:

Good luck awaits you.

It always does, doesn't it?

Friday, January 14, 2011


Exodus 20:16 "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."

The ability to lie means that you cannot trust someone. That is why I do not lie.

Well... is that completely true? I say things that are untrue, but are they lies? No, they are tales... games...

to the Royals, I have lied. Why do I do this?

The Royals and the Litter... what are they to me?

The Royals I have known long. Yet I cannot connect to them. To them I keep myself a secret.

The ones who know me most are among my Litter. And then there is the Outsider, who knows of me. They are my people. I do not lie to them. Because what I say to them matters.

nothing to say

and yet...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It was just the reflection of the door

The Lion is off to new activities. The poor House Cat, all her life so sad...

she deserves her praises, does she not? The Lion most definitely knows how lovely she is.

Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. These feelings...

Monday, January 10, 2011

He's outside my window

But I don't really care.

The Tiger can get mad sometimes... I feel sad for him.

He seems to understand the wrong he had done. That's why he restrains himself, I suppose. He is responsible; he cannot help his emotions, or the Ocelot's.

EDIT: found out that some people are actually reading this. Feels quite nice.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


The Man... I don't fear Him directly. I fear what He can do to my Litter, and I fear something inside me. A spirit that tortured me, threatened to ruin me.

The Panther, she saved me, because of what I had felt.

Is the spirit back? Only, instead of a cute lovable cartoon, as a vicious monster?

I think I'm free, and then I watch Concrete Giraffes...

I feel like a sellout.

Anyway, I hope I can disassociate myself from Him; make sure I can be normal.

~your Princess

EDIT: Ocelot is TONS of fun. That's Tiger's "friend". She's Ocelot.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Everything's... okay

The Tiger and his "friend" are cute together; they are.

I can't talk to Kitty much.

House Cat was nice today.

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm sorry

I'm sorry if I hurt you. I hope I didn't, but I worry. I'll have my chance tomorrow won't I? ;_;

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Wound

The thing I should be talking about is my wound, right? I feel that I really lost control there. I did with the House Cat as well.

I don't want her to disapprove of me.

They played the song "Breaking the Habit"

I can sympathize with it now. I always liked it, but now, I understand it.

Wishes me luck?

~your Princess

Happy New Years!

Has the Tiger found a new Snow Leopard?

Oh the Tiger, amazing he is, truly. Not for this, but simply in that he has always been so admirable. Even if the rumor is true of what he had done, we can only forgive him. It is my sincere hope he not repeat this mistake.

He is interesting, no? Starting at the end, ending on Christmas Eve. Starting anew with the New Year?

The Lion did not contribute much. Notably the House Cat disapproved of my behaviors towards him. I understand.

Kitten and House Cat turned out to be able to attend after all. Sadly, they had to go early. Still, I had a wonderful time. Hugs are nice. But I'm still conflicted, am I not?

And of course no one wants to give the musical "Me and My Dick" a chance. It's much better than it sounds. You don't believe me, do you? It's on YouTube; well known thanks to their other production "A Very Potter Musical"

This really isn't the place... but I spent a significant amount of time trying to get them to see it.

The first one to rise,
the first to fall,
and now he shall rise again,
all in all,
the Tiger is a legend...